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Rare Documents



Story of how big ore bodies were discovered


Unpublished paper written by Dr James Douglas in 1909.

Believe to be for a  for a 1917 American Institute of Mining Engineers  meeting.  Edited by an unknown person, Photos have been added By Richard Graeme IV.   pdf download

Notations from annual reports Years 1909 through 1950 

Unpublished paper written by C .E. Mills.

Consist of notations from Phelps Dodge annual reports

Photos have been added By Richard Graeme IV.

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Mining Conditions Bisbee arizona

Mining Conditions in Bisbee, Arizona

 A booklet releashed after the deportion on mining conditions, to attract miners to Bisbee. Compares wages and prices of staples groceries. 2nd edition

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Mining Conditions Bisbee arizona

The Copper Queen Mine, Arizona

Article published in Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers  Vol XXIX 1899, Written by James Douglas.

Mining Conditions Bisbee arizona

The Calumet & Arizona Mining Co.

A pamphlet published by the American Institute of Mining Engineering  in 1916 about the history of C &A in Bisbee.

Plat drawings of the Copper Queen Mine 1881.

A set of three plat drawings  of the Copper Queen Mine Done May of 1881 show an accurate plan of all mine workings completed both in plan view and cross section.

Mining Conditions Bisbee arizona

History of open pit mining 1953.

A report By William Crawford on the history of open pit mining in Bisbee Arizona.

Mining Conditions Bisbee arizona

Report on the Bisbee Deportations.

A  Department of Labor report on the the Bisbee deportation written by  the President's Mediation Commission November 6,1917. Pdf download 1mb

Mining Conditions Bisbee arizona
Mining Conditions Bisbee arizona

Location notice for the Rucker claim.

The location notice for the Rucker claim dated August 2 1877.

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Notes on the Paleozoic Limestone series at Bisbee Arizona.

A 1926 Paper written by E.H. Wisser on the limestones units in Bisbee.


Mining Methods at the Campbell Mine of the Calumet & Arizona Co., Warren Ariz.

A paper on Inclined cut-and-fill-and Semishrinkage stoping written By Harrison Lavender in 1930.


Slope Failures in the Lavender pit, Bisbee Arizona

A draft of  paper on slope failures in the Lavender pit and Holbrook Extension.

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