Mineral Species Gallery J-R
Mineral Species Gallery J-R
Mineral Species Gallery S-Z

Sepiolite Southwest mine 7th level 12 cm Graeme Collection

Siderite, as epimorph cast after calcite. Specimen – 8 cm Holbrook Extension, Lavender Pit Mine. Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo.

Silver, as thin foil-like patches with cerussite, quartz and hematite on/in chalcocite 1800 level, Campbell Mine. View – 7.0 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo.

Silver, as subparallel, small crystallin sheets in a carbonate-rich fault gouge with rosasite and malachite Cole Mine. Specimen – 8.8 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo.

Silver, as a crust of tiny crystals overgrown on copper with minor malachite, Holbrook Mine View – 1.1 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme III photo.

Smithsonite, as rice-grain size crystals on azurite, 141 F stope 1200 level Cole Mine view 2.2 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme III photo

Smithsonite, as rice-grain size crystals on azurite, 141 F stope 1200 level Cole Mine, view 2.2 cm, Graeme collection, Richard Graeme III photo

Sphalerite Copper Queen mine "B" level

Sphalerite Junction mine

Torbernite on Azurite 770 level Junction mine largest crystal 5mm Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo

Turquoise, as a nugget-like mass with minor quartz, Lavender Pit Mine. Specimen 3 cm, Graeme collection Douglas Graeme photo.

Turquoise in Glance conglomerate 11.5 cm Lavender pit Graeme collection Doug Graeme photo

Turquoise in Glance conglomerate Specimen 7 cm Lavender pit Doug Graeme photo

Turquoise replacement of pebbles in chocolate colored glance conglomerate. Lavender pit 3 cm Polishing and Sliver work by George Ramiez

Variscite 1200 level Cole mine Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV

Variscite 1200 level Cole mine Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV

Variscite 1200 level Cole mine Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV

Variscite Holbrook extension Lavender pit Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV Photo

Wulfenite, as a 1.1 cm, multi-zoned crystal with calcite, malachite and azurite in a hematite vug. Cole Mine Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo.

Wulfenite, as colorless crystals with minor brochantite on corroded galena, Cole Mine, Specimen - 8 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo.

Wulfenite on Anglesite and Brochantite View 1 cm Cole mine Graeme Collection