Shattuck & Arizona Mill Bisbee Arizona.

A 1972 Photo of a KW Dart truck hauling rock in the Lavender pit. National Archives Photo

portal, The remains of the timbered 7th level Southwest mine portal located in Uncle Sam Gulch. Rail leaves the caved adit with an old boiler next to it.

Mule shoes found inside the Southwest mine.

Twilight manganese workings located on the Twilight claim. They mined the ore using both open cut and underground mining techniques.

Motor and loaded timber trucks on the 1450 level Cole 1973

Wolf 856 canister lamp, a common type of carbide lamp used underground in Bisbee's mines in the 1910's -1920's.

A view looking down the Queen tunnel.

Junction Hoist in 1963. Richard Graeme III climbing stairs in left photo

A view inside the power plant at the Crawford Mill site. The four large diesel generators are at the back.

Queen rocker located at the intersection of 8 crosscut and 14 crosscut 4th level Southwest mine.

Air door inside the Queen Tunnel.

The various styles of miners brass or man tags used in the Bisbee mines. Tags marked with the specific mine like Spray, Czar etc are ore sample tags and are often thought to be man tags. Hourly employees have their payroll number stamped on the tag. The engineers, geologist. etc have their initials stamped on the tag.

A view from the Copper Queen open cut looking to the surface. Circa 1899

Employee safety recognition awards issued by Phelps Dodge (Copper Queen Branch) during the 1920's and 30's the Items consist of pins, wallet and belt buckle.

Sunrise shaft headframe. An odd design for a headframe, the hoist sits directly above the shaft. The cable leaves the hoist and goes to the cage without using sheave wheels or rollers.

Image showing the wooden brake shoes on the main hoist of the Campbell mine.

Timber station inside 39 XC (crosscut) Queen Tunnel.

Group of miners underground in Bisbee. The man on the far right is Niels Martin Pederson. Collection Mark Pederson. Used with permission

The Denn headframe after the toplanders deck and chutes have been removed.

Trolley sign and trolley hanger on the 3rd level Southwest shaft station. Inside the sign is a knife switch, bulb socket and Edison style light bulb.

A flat cable traction hoist inside the headframe of the Sunrise shaft.

The concrete collar of the Oakland Shaft. located near the intersection of School Terrace road and Highway 92.

Re-timbered 3rd level Southwest shaft station

Shown is the last type of bell chart used in the Bisbee mines. The chart list the bell signals which the cager’s use to communicate with the hoist man to move the cages and skips.

Postcard view of the Junction Mine and mine shops of the Calumet and Arizona Mining Company C – 1920. Graeme Larkin collection.

Typical hand drilling equipment used in the Bisbee mines. Double jack, single jack hammers with steels and a drilling spoon.

A shift of miners at the Junction Shaft prior to entering the mine C – 1925. Graeme Larkin collection

H- Car loaded with timber

Crazy Horse Pete inclined shaft also known as the Divided and/or Merrill shaft. It is located just above the Queen Tunnel portal. The shaft was in existence by 1903, it is double compartment with one being used as a manway and the other for hoisting. At one time the shaft had a small odd looking headframe on it. Last used in the 1940’s by Pete Ivanovich (Crazy Horse Pete) who leased it from Phelps Dodge.