Mineral Species Gallery J-R

Massive Jarosite Southwest mine Specimen 6.5cm Graeme collection Douglas Graeme photo

Lepidocrocite Holbrook Mine 100 Level View 4cm X 2cm

Malachite on calcite Southwest mine View 1 cm Graeme collection

Malachite on goethite Southwest mine 6 Level 9xc view 3 cm Graeme collection

Malachite with a wide, undulating horizontal band reflecting a solution level with malachite deposition, which indicates the stalactites had been submerged at some point. The malachite stalactites are almost completely encrusted with small malachite pseudomorphs after azurite. Azurite, as a few, unaltered crystals of the same morphology are scattered about on the malachite above the solution level, suggesting that the CO2 levels of the open space were higher than in the solutions.

A polished section of malachite that is 1" to 1.5" thick. The underside has a minor amount of an unidentified Mn oxide Czar mine Specimen - 15 X 11 cm Graeme Collection Photo Richard Graeme

Malachite, as a stalactitic group with a velvet-like surface. Minor amounts of an unidentified, brown manganese oxide are present as remnants of the supergene alteration of the hosting manganese-rich Martin limestone, Cole Mine Specimen – 7 cm, cm Graeme collection Douglas Graeme photo.

Malachite, as a pseudomorph after an azurite “rose” form, with minor azurite as a very limited, second generation overgrowth. Specimen-4.5 cm., Czar Mine, Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo.

Malachite, as pseudomorphs after copper on calcite and all on goethite. Specimen – 9.3 cm., 26-K stope, 1300 level, Cole Mine. Graeme collection, Douglas Graeme photo.

Malachite, as a pseudomorph after a doubly terminated azurite crystal, 1300 level, Campbell Mine, Specimen 9 cm., Graeme collection, Richard Graeme IV photo.

Malachite, as a replacement of copper with a later, partial overgrowth by lighter green, zincian-malachite, 26-K stope, 1300 level, Cole Mine, Specimen - 8.5 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo.

Miersite, as a bright yellow, 2 mm tetrahedral crystal on atacamite. 14 stope, 5 level Southwest Mine Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo.

Nantokite, as colorless to white crystals on cuprite with atacamite 14 stope, 5 level Southwest Mine. Specimen – 3 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme III photo.

Nordstrandite as a friable crust on azurite and malachite Specimen 21.5 cm Holbrook Mine Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo

Plattnerite with Calcite Holbrook Mine 100 level View 2.5 cm X 4.5 Cm

Pyrite pyritohedron Specimen 3.81cm x 3.81cm 1200 level Cole mine Graeme Collection Doug Graeme photo

Pyrite in talc Specimen 5.08 cm x 3.8 cm 73 crosscut at 151 crosscut in drift 1400 level Cole mine Graeme collection Doug Graeme photo

Calcite with amethyst and malachite. Junction mine 2566 level view 5cm Graeme Collection

Quartz Junction mine view 2cm Photo Doug Graeme

Quartz, as epimorph cast of large calcite crystals, 2200 level, Campbell Mine. Specimen 19 cm., Graeme collection, Richard Graeme III photo.

Rhodochrosite, as pale pink crystals with alabandite lining a vug in massive pyrite and minor sphalerite, 2300 level Junction Mine. View 4.3 cm Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo.

Rosasite with Hemimorphite 2mm sphere 6th level Southwest Mine

Rosasite with Aurichalcite Uncle Sam Mine "A" level View 6cm

Rosasite, as a partial replacement of malachite pseudomorphs after azurite with some hemimorphite and minor goethite as epimorph cast after calcite, all on spongy goethite. A level, Uncle Sam Mine View-3.2 cm, Graeme collection Richard Graeme IV photo