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Trolley wire car

C & A trolley wire car
These cars were used to transport the trolley wire reels underground and help in stringing it overhead in the drifts. The Copper Queen version is made of wood and steel. None of the Copper queen versions are known to still exist. The C & A version is made of all steel. It has a with a chain drive, a removable crank handle and has clamps to anchor it securely to the track. This type was use until the end of mining in Bisbee. At least one still exists and was last located at Gas City in Benson, its location is unknown today.

C & A car with the drive chain on edge of spool showing

Spool base

Crank handle hook up
Richard Graeme IV 2011, pers. comm., 8 February
Richard Graeme III 2011, pers. comm., 2 February
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