Hendricks Mine

Hendricks Mine area; the upper mine opening is the Atlanta shaft. The lower opening is an original Hendricks mine working that later became the 5th level of the Southwest mine
Located in Hendricks Gulch at about 5500ft.-5600ft. in elevation these early workings were largely after silver rich cerussite and not copper. D.B. Rae, George Warren and Warner Buck worked these claims in 1878. They were able to build a small Mexican furnace and refined 50lbs of silver that was determined to be .947 fine at the U.S. Mint in San Francisco. Although, silver was their primary interests they did smelt enough ore to make 1,000lbs of copper. During March 1881, some silver mineralization was explored on the Hendricks Claim then owned by Corbin company of Tombstone and had small adobe smelter with bellows which they refined ore at a rate of one ton per day. In December 1882 J.C. Tappenier, assayer for the Copper Queen Mine, was working the Hendricks property. (A day short of a year later, he was shot down and killed on Main Street while the Goldwater & Castaneda store was being robbed ) Frank Corbin with the Orion Silver Mining Company patented the Hendricks claim in 1882. Before 1903 the Hendricks claim was purchased by the Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Company, who leased the property for mining. On February 9, 1904 John Kickham and Henry Tarr (1/2 of the Tarr brothers champion hand drilling team) reported to the Bisbee Daily Review that they had driven 200 ft. of drift and a raise into lead “sand “carbonates on the Tarr lease. The 200ft of drift had cost them $1000, due to the hard ground .The day after this information was published in the Bisbee Daily Review; Kickham was killed in a collapsing raise. F.S. Conrow his partner contacted the Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Company for help the accident but, the miners could not save him. They could hear him calling for help for over an hour but, muck continued to pour down and they could not unbury him. Later, the doctors felt that his injuries would have killed him regardless if they had rescued him. Worked continue on the property, but it was from workings deep underground that the value of the claim was determined. In 1911 raises were driven from the 200 level of the Czar mine upward into Queen hill. Upon finding ore, these raises were extended and eventually converted to interior shafts. These new interior shafts along with a number of adits and the Sunrise shaft on the surface eventually became the Southwest mine. From examining photographs and maps of the area it appears that two one adits, more commonly known as levels of the Southwest mine were likely original Hendricks mine workings .The 5th level Southwest or Southwest tunnel was likely part of the Hendricks later, it was renamed and a concrete façade added to the entrance. In these photographs, dumps are established around the 6th level Southwest area as well. The description of the mine accident that killed John Kickham fits well with mine workings, around 200ft from the entrance of the 6th level Southwest mine there is a stope now day-lighted, in which cerussite was the primary ore. Also ,one of the two 6thLevel Southwest mine portals(two portals next to each other) matches a short adit that is found on the 1904 map of underground of the Copper Queen and was likely part of the Hendricks mine workings. Some of dumps in the photograph are also from the original Atlanta shaft, which was not far from what eventually became the 6th level Southwest mine portals. Presently, the 5th level Southwest portal is intact, but sealed, one of the 6th level Southwest portals is buried but has a bat gate. This adit was probably the one part of the Hendricks mine. The second portal has been buried by dump material for decades and is undetectable. Slightly above and on hillside the day-lighted stope is covered with chain link fencing. Also there are the remains of a collapsed stope at about the 5640 ft. elevation just above the remains of the 6th level portal. This stope could have been part of the original Hendricks workings, but it is difficult to be sure.