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Employees working in the Lowell mine, Sacramento pit, Calumet & Cochise mine and  Sacramento  Concentrator 1918

Lowell Mine

Adams, W.L.

Aeivoet, Octave

Aldridge, A.E.

Aldridge, J.M.

Anderson, L.D.

Andrews, E.C.

Andrews, P.P.

Ashby, John

Atchison, James

Austin, Fred L.

Baleman, G.C.

Ballard, Frank

Bartoglio, Joe

Bell, George

Berger, C.B.

Beveranski, John

Bills, Sam

Birdsall, Harry

Birdsall, Z

Black, T.A.

Bliss, A.B.

Boeckman, Al.

Bond, W.A.

Bose, Fred

Bowes, Thomas

Brandenberg, F.P.

Brockman, L.O.

Brown A.J.

Brown, E.P.

Brown, V.M.

Brownell, G.B.

Bryer, Sep.

Buchanan, R.P.

Calvin, Joseph

Campbell, T.D.

Cantwell, John

Carter, John

Castleberry, R.M.

Cavenaugh, D.

Clague, Ed

Cone, W.D.

Conley, E.B.

Connolly, Bernard

Cornish, Frank

Cox, S.A.

Crimmins, Con

Crowe, W.J.

Cuen, Reynaldo

Culbert, D.P.

Davey, Stephen J.

Dean, Grady

DeArmond, F.H.

Deitchman, Carl

Demair, Louis

Deprest, Emil

Dillon, John

Dinsmore, William

Dishman, C.C.

Donaldson, Richard

Donik, Archie

Donnelly, P.L.

Dowd, David

Edgar, Herbert

Ellsworth, George

Enright, A.R.

Erickson, Erick

Eustace, Fred

Eustace, Lester

Fisher, L.A.

Flower, Joe

Foore, W.E.

Ford, A.E.

Foster, Tom C.

Freeman, F.F.


Gasparovich, A.

Gates, C.A.

Giffith, Thomas

Gilbert, C.M.

Goble, Lee S.

Goins, Dan

Goldie, Henry

Goodridge, L.B.

Gough, Paul



Hale, Joe R.

Hall, Jim

Hall, Thomas

Hardinge, B.

Harriman, H.

Harris, Henry S.

Harvey, Francis

Hassen, C.F.

Hawkins, Lafe

Hearllhy, John

Hellon, Harry

Helwig, A.W.

Hickley, Michael

Higgins, Tom II

Hill, W.L.

Hillman, Earl

Hobbs, John

Holland, John

Holland, W.W.

Holland, William

Holmes, Robert

Howard, O.C.

Hubler, J.F.

Hudnell, J.H.

Hudson, D

Hudson, John

Hukill, G.

Humphries, J.F.

Hussen, H.

Ikler, Edwin

Jeren, Mike

Johnson, B.L.

Johnson, E.L.

Johnson, Gus

Jovanovich, Anton

Kane, John

Kelly, C.R.

Kelly, George

Kelly, Thomas E,

Kermode, Walter E.

Kilgore, C.H.

King, Martin

Kirsch, Jacob C.

Kistler, R.P.

Knight, G.C.

Knox, Walter

Kridell, Joe

Kroon, J.C.

Kuhn, F.J.

Lancaster, W.

Land, C.D.

Landsburg, Clyde

Leney, L.F.

Lindsey, D.O.

Logan, C.H.

Logan, J.N.

Long, J.E.

Loughmiller, C.F.

Machen, Harold

Madigan, John

Martin, C.H.

Martin, John

Martus, Lewis

Mathews, Ben

Mathews, E.B. II

Matthews J.J.

Matthews, Fred

McBride, A.L.

McBride, Andrew

McCommas, R.A.

McCourty, M.

McCoy, R.N.

McCulloch, J.E.

McCullough, Peter

McDonald, Royce

McGeough, J.F.

McGuire, T.W.

McIntyre, George

Medak, Martin

Merritt, O.P.

Mesa, Fred

Middleton, G.H.

Mitchell, Frank

Modie, Frank J.

Moll, Frank

Monahan D.J.

Moody, E.

Morales, Ramon

Morin, L.J.

Morris, A.


Morse, E.G.

Morse, J.F.

Morton, Ed

Muro, Miguel

Murphy, O.

Myer, Fred

Myers, Kearley

Needham, R.D.

Nelson, G.L.

Nicholson, J.L.

Payne, Ed

Peel, E.R.

Peiter, William

Pelot, A.F.

Pelot, Charles F.

Perry, C.E.

Peterson, W.



Phillips, W.H.

Pilkington, John

Pinkerton, L.M.

Pinkerton, L.M.

Pouhast, C.H.


Quigley, T.J.

Quinn, Frank

Radix, Dan

Rafferty, Daniel

Reagan, R.N.

Reese, D.J.

Reese, T.L.

Reynolds, A.

Ricci, F.

Rigieo, John

Riley, J.B.

Riley, Jas.

Roberts,Ed L.

Romanov, Chris

Root, P.E.

Rowan, R.R.

Rowland, W.M.

Ryan, James

Sampson, W.

Sanders, C.H.

Sanders, John

Schiller, William E.

Self, Walter

Shafer, George

Shepard, C.B.

Shipley, C.J.

Sleeman, George

Smith, C.M.

Smith, George G.

Smith, R.H.

Sommers, H.C.

Sorenson, Jack

Sowles, Murray L.

Spivey, E.L.

Spivey, W.L.

Stanley, John

Stark, Hugh

Stark, W.A.

Stevenson, R.A.

Strong, Charles

Sustarich, Jacob

Swedish, John

Tabakovich, R.

Taber, E.S.

Tate, J.A.

Thomas, E.C.

Tidwell, A.L.

Tiernay, William

Tijorn, J.C.

Tomlinson, O.E.

Tucker, P.L.

Tucker, S.T.

Tuckness, Joe A.

Tutt, Harold

Urbanac, Emil

Utzman, Fred M.

Vuksanovic, E.

Wagner, C.E.

Wagner, D.M.

Watts, Bryant

West, John M.

Western, Joe

Wheeler, T.C.

White, T.J.

Wojcik, F.

Yeatts, Jim

Sacramento Pit

Acord, S.L.

Acosta, Luis

Adame, Refugio

Adams, William

Aiva, Jose

Alaraz, Pedro

Alba, Antonio

Albrect, J.G.

Alcantar, Jose

Almarcon, Genero

Alvarado Maximo

Alvarez, Franco

Alvidrez, Franco

Anderson, H.

Anderson, M.

Anderson, Nat

Andrade, Felix

Andrade, Ramon

Andreas, Leopoldo

Archer, J.O.

Avalos, Juan


Avila, Franco

Baher, Louis

Bailey, W.L.

Balen, George

Banuelas, Sabino

Barba, Jose O.

Barcelo, Francisco

Barkwill, J.C.

Barrios, Benito

Barton, L.M.

Bayes, John

Beamer, P.R.

Bermudez, Alejo

Beyon, W.H.

Blanco, Jose

Blanco, Jose

Bledsoe, J.W.

Bledsoe, T.J.

Bliss, J.C.

Bracamonte, Jesus

Bradley, Thomas

Brown, Jesse

Brown, L.M.

Brown, W.T.

Brumley, F.

Bryant, E.

Burch, Sam

Burge, T.B.

Burnham, J.H.

Burns, J.B.

Burrows, J.D.

Byrne, F.J.

Cain, J.C.

Camacho, Ramon

Caretto, Joe

Caretto, John D.

Carillo, Juan

Castelo, Fidencio

Castillo, Filiberto

Cavanaugh, Mike

Cervantez ,Teles Foro

Chacon, Edurado

Chavez, F.

Chavez, Pedro

Chavez, Rafael

Clark, F.W.

Clark, P.D.

Clements, John T.

Coffey, M.J.

Cokely, H.A.

Cole, A.L.

Cole, E.

Collier, W.S.

Comerford, L.W.

Connelly, John C.

Cooper, Thomas

Corbin, J.M.

Core, V.C.

Corona, Jose

Corrin, Arnold

Cortez, Franco

Cota, Pedro

Cousland, A.S.

Cousland, Alonzo

Crews, George

Cruz, Octavo

Cunnningham, Frank

Curiel, Jose

Curtin, J.J.

Daniel, E.M.

Darrach, F.W.

Davidson,  E.W.

Davis, B.R.

De La Rosa, Aquilea

De la Rosa, Merced

De Leon, Satero

DeSouza, Henry F.

Dominguez, Daniel

Dominguez, Jose

Dominguez, Marcos

Dorame, Pedro

Dunne, B.

Durant, Charles A.

Dwyer, James W.

Dyer, Dixie

Earp, Noolen

Easley, L.P.

Eltas, Manuel

Emery, Luis

Escudero, Joaquin

Esjquer, Federico

Esparza, Toribio

Espinosa, Fruethoso

Faragher, Thomas

Farmer, Wiley

Featherstone, T.J.

Felix, Manuel


Fell, James


Fernandez, Hipolito

Ferrell, James

Figuerroa, Andres

Finnell, J.

Fitzgerald, J.T.

Fletcher, E.F.

Flores, Jesus

Flores, Jesus

Flores, Luis

Flores, Rosalio

Flores, Sebastian


Franks, Paul

Frantzen, C.A.

Frazier, Herbert

Gahez, J.

Galaz, Benito

Gallardo, Victoriano

Gallego, Ramon

Gallon, Felipe

Galvez , Avelardo

Garay, Marcillino

Garcia, Cresencio

Garcia, D.

Garcia, E.

Garcia, Genaro

Garcia, Valeriano

Gomez, Elizeo

Gonzales, Jose

Gonzales, Juan

Gonzales, Luis

Gore, C.H.

Grijalva, Alberto

Guardado, Jose

Guardado, Vidal

Guerra, Pablo

Guillen, Augustin

Guillen, Dolores

Guiterrez, Pedro A.

Gutierez, Apolonio

Gutierrez, Pedro

Hampston, Quinn

Harris, Fred

Harris, J.F.

Haugg, L.E.

Havens, A.B.

Hawes, W.E.

Haynie, A.S.

Henshaw, J.D.

Hermara, Felix

Hernandez, Crecencio

Hernandez, Jesus

Hernandez, Manuel

Hernandez, Pedro

Herreras, Ramon

Horrigan, D.L.

Horton, O.G.

Howard, C.H.

Humphries, W.L.

Hurley, Lawrence

Isbell, Ray

Jackson, C.O.

Jackson, Robert

James, C.M.

Jewell, A.R.

Jimenez, Genaro

Jiminez, Cruz

Johnson, Fred

Johnson, G.A.

Jones, John, K.

Jones, W.R.

Joynt, C.S.

Juarez, Silvertre

Kane, Thomas J.

Keller, F.C.

Keller, J.B.

Kelly, Jas.H.

Kelly, R.M.

Kelly, W.F.

Kirwan, J.P.

Komnen, Pete

Krogel, William

Kuehn, William

Lagle, M.F.

Laguna, Manuel

Lake, W.R.

Lamphere, Thomas C.

Lawson, David

Layton, S.W.

Lefebvee, J.

Leon, Andres

Leon, Francisco

Lewis, Earl

Leyba, Andres

Lightfoot, W.H.

Lindsey, A.T.

Littler, W.C.

Livingston, A.S.

Loe, A.S.

Lomel, Andres

Lopez, Franco

Lopez, Jesus

Lopez, Joaquin

Lopez, Manano

Lopez, Simon

Lowe, J.R.

Lugo, Jose M.

Luke, L.M.

Lyon, J.H.

Maldonado, Ernesto

Maldonado, Franco

Marquez, Victor

Marruja, Pablo

Martinez, antonio

Martinez, Calistro

Martinez, Guad.

Martinez, Jose S.

Martinez, Maximiano

Mazaira, Jose

McAleer, L.F.

McBride, G.V.

McDaniel, William

McGee, C.F.

McGee, S.A.

McPherson, B.


Mendez, J.

Mendosa, Manuel

Mendosa, Santiago

Mendoza, Eulogia

Mendoza, Jorge

Mendoza, Pedro

Merron, W.L.

Meza, Lorenzo

Mieyr, George

Miller, P.L.

Mingura, Eduardo

Minor, Phillip

Monarres, Jose

Montana, Manuel

Montes, Florentino

Montgomery, J.L.

Moore, Joe

Mora, Victor

Moreno, Reynaldo

Morgan, H.W.

Morquecho, Francisco

Morris, B.J.

Munzo, Concepcion

Navarro, Manuel N.

Nelson, Brown

Noel, Harry

Northington, R.W.

Nunez, Carlos

O;'Mara, J.E.

Ochoa, Eliseo

Olcunia, Paz

Orchega, Calistro

Ortega, Fernando

Ortego, Primitivo

Ortiz, M.

Otis, R.W.

Pacheco, Roberto

Pearson, J.F.

Peralta, Jesus N.

Perea, E.P.

Perea, M.J.

Perez, Martin

Perkins, F.H.

Petche, Poe

Pisano, Gonzalo

Ponce, Eulalio

Prince, Floyd

Pronger, Norman

Purcell, L.M.

Raby, D.R.

Ramirez, Francisco

Ramirez, Genaro

Ramirez, Manuel

Randall, J.

Randle, W.H.

Rawley, J.W.

Reid, J.L.

Renteria, Cecilio

Rentrew, Robert

Riley, J.J.

Rios, Jose

Rivera, Eucarnation

Robiero, Manuel

Rodriguez, Jose

Rodriguez, Rosendo


Rojas, Franco

Roman, G.A.

Romero, Antonio T.

Roundtree, E.B.

Ruelas, Rosario

Ryan, James H.

Saavedra, Santiago

Salas, Benjamin

Salas, Jesus

Salas, Juan

Salazar, Alfredo

Salazar, Angel

Salazar, Antonio

Salmon, R.B.


Sanchez, David

Sanchez, David

Sanchez, Juan

Sanchez, Miguel

Sanchez, Pablo

Scherrer, F.A.

Schutz, W.F.

Segunda, Tomas

Sertano, Edwardo

Sheehy, D.J.

Sias, Alfonso

Sirra, Eugenio

Skeels, George C.

Skillington, C.K.

Slater, J.D.

Smeck, W.E.

Smith, J.D.

Smith, Leonard

Smith, M.L.

Smith, W.F.

Solis, Jesus

Sotelo, Jesus

Spaulding, W.J.

Spence, A.D.

Stacke, Sam

Steen, Louis M.

Stingfellow, W.R.

Stout, Ed

Strout, A.A.

Suniga, Semprano

Supancich, John

Sweet, Harry

Swope, B.A.

Swope, T.L.

Torres, F.

Torres, Franco

Trujillo, Pascual

Urrutia, Adolfo

Urrutta, Maximino

Valdez, Ysidro

Valles, Nicolas

Vanclure, H.

Vargas, Felipe

Vasquez, Jesus

Vasquez, Pablo

Vasquez, Ricardo

Vasquez, Trinidad

Verdugo, Ramon

Verdugo, Santiago

Verdugo, Vicente

Vilalovas, Apolonio

Villa, Ascencion

Villande, Juan

Villavicencio, Eduardo

Villegas, Ezequiel

Wangomann, C.K.

Warner, H.F.

Warnock, T.R.

Wells, E.A.

Whatley, W.

Whiteaker, W.R.

Williams, Dave

Williams, W.E.


Wood, Chas H.

Wray, F.F.

Wyatt, L.B.

zamarripa, Jose F.

Zamorano, Manuel

Zamorano, Martin

Zorn, Carl

Calumet & Cochise Mine

Abell, Albert B.

Arton, C.F.

Brown, H.F.

Burks, J.G.

Cornaham, W.A.

Davidson, P.W.

Dew, William

Hunt, S.L.

Jewell, Thomas N.

Knox, J.L.

Lagori, Fred

Lalonde, R.E.

Lewis, D.L.

Lynn, E.D.

McNellis, Joe

Ross, James

Snyder, John H.

Sullivan, Eugene

Trabucco, Paul

Yarcht, Fred

Sacramento  Concentrator

Acero, Pablo

Almendra, Casimiro

Alvarez, Alcadio

Arbuckle, A.W.

Badilla, Ramon

Baggett, G.W.


Ballistero, Jose

Bojorques, Ramon

Castro, Vincente

Colvin, Ezequiel

Cordova, Faustino

Cordoza, Elias

Cuevas, Luis

Diaz, Avilano

Elias, Jesus

Enriques, Pedro

Enriques, Victorian

Esparza, Angel

Estrada, David

Flores, Angel

Flores, Jesus

Flores, Ramon

Franco, Maximiliano

Frias, Eugenio

Fuentes, Refugio

Gallagher, F.J.

Gara, Ventura

Garcia, Gregario

Garcia, Jesus M.

Garcia, Victoriano

Gilland, W.D.

Gittings, C.J.

Gonzales, Remigio

Harrison, E.J.

Hartman, E.A.

Hernandez, Jose

Hill, Charles

Holmes, James S.

Juarez, Charles

Kohlmetz, A.R.

Lanning, J.E.

Larson, Niels

Lozano, Francisco

Manzaro, Pedro

Marin, Pedro

Martinez, Firranio

Martinez, Mariano

McGinnis, B.J.

Moiles, Earl D.

Monarez, Carlos

Montego, Ignacio

Moore, R.A.

Morales, Antonio

Morales, Augusto

Neal, R.M.

Nierias, Francisco

Nuna, Branlio

Olaque, Francisco

Orosco, Jose

Portugal,  Damian

Power, V.W. jr.

Rafael, Moniano

Ramos, Francisco II

Reyes, Nicanor

Rico, Celerino

Rico, Leoncio

Rico, Manuel

Rico, Pomposa

Rios, Calso

Robles, Jesus

Robles, Ramon

Rodriguez, Francisco

Rodriguez, Jorge

Rodriguez, Julio

Rodriguez, Manuel

Rodriguez, Peliciano

Roma, Asuncion

Romo, Casino

Rosales, Felix

Rubio, Roberto

Salcido, Daniel

Salcido, Franco

Saldana,  Querino

Samudio, Francisco

Sanchez, Manuel

Siguieros, Rafael

Silvas, Juan

Soloranzo, Franco

Solorsano, Ynes

Stafford, Thomas W.

Sublett, R.

Summers, Elias

Tequida, Anastacio

Thomas, J.M.

Tinanada, Jose

Tovar, Manuel

Valenzuela, Pautista

Valvarez, Francisco

Vasquez, Jose

Velasquez, Donaciano

Villafane, Antonio

Villareal, Ignacio

Villegas, Eduardo

Yanez, Manuel


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