Tales from the schoolyard
Stole Bell Rope
Mischievous boys who are being looked for by the officers, disabled the school bell at Lincoln School sometime during Tuesday night. At any rate, when the janitor attempted to ring the school bell yesterday morning he found that the rope belonging to it had been taken away. Further investigation led to the discovery that a plank had been put from the bank next to the school building into the cupola and the rope thus secured. There was about twenty feet of it and it had to be replaced before the bell could be rung for the opening of the school session.
Bisbee Daily Review, January 12, 1905, Page 5
Public School Pupils Introduce Poison ivy
Merry Group Present Themselves at Doctor’s Office After Interesting Session In School Room
As a result of handling specimens of plants in the primary classes at Central School yesterday, about a dozen scholars are today presenting a rather rashy appearance from too close acquaintance with poison ivy.
Yesterday morning a number of pupils brought ivy specimens to school and they were passed around in the classes. One of the scholars said it was poison ivy, but the rest didn’t believe it and just to show their bravery some of them rubbed it on their faces. Soon after the usual symptoms began to manifest themselves and by yesterday afternoon the effects of the weed had broken out good and plenty.
Prof. L.A. Gooding of the scientific department of the high school, treated a number of the with a preparation he has, and others made a merry “mosey” for a doctor’s office.
Even Miss Newman, who is in charge of the class is a victim of the ivy.
Bisbee Daily Review, October 09, 1909, Page 8
Hector’s Death or A Daylight Mystery
It was midnight. The clock in the tower was mournfully tolling off twelve, the hour that all deep dark and damnable crimes are committed, but meow –nix, nix on that kind of junk.
In the first place it wasn’t twelve bells nor did the clock do any palm work. It was about 1 p.m. yesterday afternoon as near as Bill White the deputy sheriff and Officer Wright remember. Mr. Philbrook superintendent of schools notified the officers. The story went like this: A school boy reported to his teacher that he had discovered the body of a man in a hole near the Higgins Mine. As soon as the officers heard of the affair they jumped into a rig, gathered up the youthful discoverer and started for the mine. On the way the boy said the hole contained the body of a small boy instead of a man.
In due course of time the officers arrived at the spot. They did not find a hole nor a human body, but they did find a newly made grave appropriately marked with a battered oil can. Visions of another Pearl Bryan affair swiftly traveled through the minds of the efficient guardians of the law, peace and dignity, etc. After some hard toil, more or less the officers uncovered the grave and behold they found a piece of carpet wrapped about some mysterious object. Upon bring the mysterious object to the surface they found it contained the body of a dog.
Poor Hector
“And a little child shall lead them”, mourned Bill as he dropped Hector back into the hole to allow him to continue the Journey to the land where all good doggies go.”
(Note the Pearl Bryan Affair was a vicious murder that occurred around 1896 in Ohio and Kentucky )
Bisbee Daily Review November 11, 1910