Dallas Mine

Sinking of this mine began on April 11, 1911 and was connected to a raise driven from the 1100 level (Lowell-Sacramento.) After the connection, sinking continued towards the 1400 level and was completed to this level in 1912. 1912-1914 promising ground discovered, but no significant ore found. With the development of the Sacramento Open Pit Mine it was expected the Sacramento shaft was going to be lost. The Dallas was developed to be the replacement of the Sacramento Shaft and become the main hoisting shaft for the Phelps Dodge Mines.1916 sprinkling system installed for fire protection. 1917 new change house built and fire doors installed underground. During 1919, the shaft was enlarged shaft enlarged and a “subway” or an adit from the surface to the 77 ft. level was driven. Orders of mine cars and locomotives for Phelps Dodge became dependent on Dallas haulage scheme. In 1920, plans were made to mine the Lowell shaft pillar and fire zone from Dallas after abandonment of Lowell shaft. The following year the shaft was concreted from 1300 level to surface and the shaft was sunk 313ft. from 1400 level. The tunnel from conveyor to shaft completed with and skip pockets built. It was planned to continue work rapidly to complete project even though cost was 10 percent above estimates. The shaft was to be deepened to 2000 level to provide ore pockets for ore from 1800 level Sacramento Mine. During 1921, the main ore hoist from the Sacramento Mine was moved to the Dallas with the surface loading facilities. Also, 200 ft. of shaft needed sinking with 1600 & 1800 level pockets completed. When the merger occurred between the Calumet and Arizona, the purpose of the Dallas Mine changed, it was no longer going to be needed as the main hoisting shaft. The Dallas was temporarily closed and The Campbell and Junction Mines were the only two mines to remain operational. When the Dallas reopened, many of the mines that it was intended to were either being mined by lessees under a small scale or like the massive block cave stopes were sending ore to the Junction Mine for hoisting. Yet in 1945, headframe was rebuilt. Between 1948-1950 the surface plant was rebuilt. It was planned to begin exploring the Powell and Congdon mine areas from the 900 level at this time. The Dallas continued to operate until June 1975 and then the remaining equipment was salvaged by Bisbee Salvage & Equipment Company in the years immediately following the closure. At the cessation of mining the Dallas shaft was completed at a depth of 2,031 ft. and four compartments. The massive 11’ x 6’ fourth compartment had a go devil rather than a traditional cage. Go devils do not have guides and rather bounce off the walls as they travel the shaft. Bent pieces of angle iron help guide the “Cage” the Go-devil tilted easily depending where a person stood. It was essential to were a safety belt on this “Cage.” Equipment was often lowered under go-devil. This go devil had a reputation of a rather exciting ride. Most Cole ore was hoisted through Dallas.