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1918 C & A employee list for Junction shops,Surface Crew, Private payroll and unidentified work place




C & A Unidentifed workplace

? Spaich

Abramovich, Joe

Ali, Velo

Allen, E.G.

Allen, E.L.

Ames, H.H.

Anderson, Aaron

Anderson, F.G.

Arrelanes, Cenovio

Arthur, S. J.

Ashby, L.F.

Ashcraft, G.A.

Attaway, Henry J.

Bakata, George

Balmforth, A.J.

Barb, F.E.

Barnes, Herbert

Barrios, Leo

Beard, Omer D.

Beebee, Reginald

Beezley, C.J.

Beilon, August

Belich, Jack

Bell, Paul

Bentley, Thomas

Bertlin, Sam

Beyers, E.C.

Bisko, Steve

Bjoin, Andy

Bjoin, Andy

Blair, J.D.

Bluck, Frank

Boatright, J.P.

Boich, Red

Borellf, Joe

Brant, Frank

Brasher, N.C.

Brink, Louie

Brocklebank, Frank

Buloich, Marko

Buscher, Felix

Busing, John

Butler, F.G.

Camiano, Joe

Capien, Robert W.

Carlyle,  H.A.

Castellaw, W.E.

Cathey, John

Ceron, John

Churchill, F.C.

Clark, J.W.

Conjack, Charles

Connor, C.F.

Coplan, Henry

Coplan, Roy

Corley, Alva

Cosgrove, F.E.

Cowsert, George W.

Crowley, W.L.

Dahlgren C.C.

Daigleish, D.

Davis, James B.

Day, Tom

Deering, Frank

Deshago, L.V.

Dillon, Frank

Din, Idris

Dobb, Sam

Doherty, W.F.

Dornik, John

Dryanzich, Stanislaw

Dunkerson, Henry

Dye, willis

Dykes, George A.

Dykes, George A.

Dymock, J.S.

Elisoff, Sergus

Eluas, Zan

Farrell, J.C.

Ferguson, G.P.W.

Festerling, Ed

Figueroa, P.L.

Ford, Fred

Fraine, A.

Frank, Joe

Fulcher, B.B.

Fuller, C.C.

Galt, John

Garland, Al

Gibson, W.R.

Gloyn, John

Goar, James

Goble, C.E.

Goble, D.M.

Gohring, W.B.

Goth, William

Grace, Sam

Graham, Jas.

Grant, Robert A.

Granting, H.G.

Gray, Gilbert

Gregovich, Nick

Gressett, D.C.

Guadrama, Juan

Harless, Ed

Harp, James

Harrington, W.D.

Harris, Will

Harverty, Bob

Hazelewood, L.

Hearn, Charles S.

Heineke, Emil

Herlick, Simon

Hickey, Jack

Hill, Victor

Hollis, H.S.

Hood, M.W.

Horn, G.W.

Housman, Albert E.

Hudson, E.V.

Hughes, W.C.

Hughes, W.M.

Hught, Charles

Irving, E.F.

Jaco, C.L.

Johnson, C.T.

Johnson, E.L.

Johnston, O.R.

Jones, F.W.

Jordan, Jesse

Kafim, Sam

Kaminski, Fred

Knapp, Audrey

Knapp, C.T. jr.

Kosta, Joseph

Kroll, William

Lagow, A.A.

Lockett, James

Long, Frank W.

Long, H.A.

Lovald, L.

Lovelace, O.C.

Lutz, E.D.

Majnovich, Anton

Malik, John

Martin, W.H.

Marusish, Paul

McCall, F.R.

McDowell, Claud

McGaughlin, Pat

McGeein, D.J.

McIntosh, W.B.

McIntyre, P.L.

McKeen, A.B.

McKenzie, Norman J.

Medigovich, Mitor

Meller, John

Mendoza, Enez

Miller, Mike

Miskovich, Chris

Moon, R.M.

Moore, L.L.

Moore, W.O.

Munston, W.D.

Murphey, Owen E.

Murphy, S.F.

Musso, C.

Newman, Amos

Nichols, R.G.

Nichols, W.H.

Oliver, Francis

Opie, william

Panzio, Sam

Payne, J.S.

Pejonich, Mike

Peterson, Oscar

Pettus, T.A.

Pinkard, F.J.

Poulson, Harold

Powell, M.W.

Power, W.

Rad, Louie

Rafailovich, Bob

Rafailovich, Krist

Ramos, Policarpo

Ramsower, N.R.

Ramsower, P.A.

Rathbone, Webster

Ratterree, W.F.

Rawlings, J.B.

Rawlings, John B.

Reizavich, John

Reynolds, Joe N.

Rimrock, Antone

Roberts, Henry

Roberts, Leslie

Robles, F.L.

Roche, Dennis

Rothernberber, J.M.

Rowland, York

Rudolf, Mike

Russell, Charles H.

Sandtner, Fred

Savage, P.L.

Schmidt, Henry, 

Schofield, George

Scott, Ben

Serke, Henry

Sertie, George

Shaft, Alice J.

Sharratt, D.M.

Shortz, J.M.

Skeel, Jake

Slaker, E.D.

Smith, Charles Albert

Smith, S.J.

Snyder, Pen F.

Spunger, E.K.

Stack, William C.

Stumbo, D.H.

Swansen, John A.

Swanson, Aug.

Swyers, W.H.

Tell, Fen

Thayer, Frank E.

Tomanovich, Steven

Tomlithson  J.J.

Tonueson, Thomas A.

Trejo, Jared

True, M.H.

Truefreh, Leo

Truefreh, Leo

Turner, John

Uren, Moses

Virasoff, Alex

Vucurevich, Mike

Wallace, William

Wallberg, E.F.

Walton, H.L.

Warren, F.B.

Weares, John

Webb, W.P.

Welbourne, W.W.

Weller, George H.

West, R.A.

Wester, J.R.

Wetenkamp, Henry

Wharton, F.E.

Wheeler, F.L.

Whitehead, william

Wickenshaw, E.C.

Wicks, Melvin

Wilcox, Bruce L.

Williams, Tom M.

Wilson, Pierce

Wise, Charles

Wohler, William

Wolf, C.C.

Woods, Charles L.

Wuchte, Joe

Yerian, Percy A.

Zumsalt, J.R.


Junction Shops

 Collier, A.I.

Abel, Frank

Abranovich, Joe

Adams, Denver

Adams, J.A.

Adolphus, Fom

Akroyd, H.R.

Albert, C.H.

Aldrich, C.M.

Anderson, Ed

Angus, William

Antovich, Peter

Arakian, Ed

Arias, C.

Ashcraft, G.A.

Aston, M.C.

Bajals, Tripko

Balma, Frank

Barb, F.E.

Barrias, Leo

Barvidas, Jose F.

Baugh, Fred

Beard, W.F.

Bears, Jas C.

Beasley, Rube

Beath, W.E.

Bedford, B.A.

Bejat, Sam

Belich, Jack

Bell, C.M.

Bell, Clarence

Benson, C.M.

Berkel, J.H.

Bernal, Juan

Bertlin, Herman

Bertlin, Sam

Bilal, Kamil

Billena, George

Bitteroff, Phil

Blair, John

Blair, Robert

Blum, Ed

Boat, R.A.

Bogdan, Joe

Boich, Red

Bokas, Pete

Boortz, A.A.

Booth, Frank

Borellie, Joe

Borgora, William

Bossee, H.A.

Bouldin, M.W.

Boyle, D.P.

Branch, Jas.

Brandenberg, C.L.

Brandon, C.R.

Brandt, Abe

Bronson, W.L.

Brown, Charles B.

Browne, R.J.

Budrovich, F.

Bunda, Martin

Burgess, G.L.

Butorac, Paul

Buysen, Maurice

Byerly, E.H.

Campbell, John

Capt, A.B.

Capt, Ed

Carnes, McKinley

Carnett, J.E.

Castellow, Alex

Cathey, John

Caylor, R.B.

Ceke, Nick

Chovich, Bill

Chovovich, Bill

Clark, Blaine

Coffey, A.T.

Cole, L.D.

Cole, William IO.

Connors, C.F.

Cook, H.G.E.

Cooke, E.L.

Coombs, John F.

Coplan, Henry

Coplan, Ray

Cordell, W.E.

Costley, D.E.

Cottrell, A.E.

Cowdrey, Norman

Crawley, H.M.

Crawley, Raymon

Curry, John

Dahigren, C.C.

Daniel, D.

Daniels, Henry

Davis, C.C.

Davis, Joe

Davis, W.F.

Depriest, A.A.

Dillion, Frank

Din, Mamut

Divisek, Jesse

Douthett, C.R.

Drew, E.W.

Duffy, Thomas

Duncan, C.H.

Duncan, Frank

Dunkerson, Marvin

Durham, L.E.

Duzarich, S.

Earthman, C.C.

Eikrem, N.

Ellinwood, C.C.

Elliott, Steve

Elmas, Zan

Erickson, Ed

Erickson, Nels

Evans, Ed jr.

Evetts, Milt.

Farmer, J.D.

Feeney, John

Ferguson, G.P.W.

Finlay, J.D.

Fitzgerald, D.J.

Flock, John B.

Foley, Thomas

Forrest, Henry

Foster, W.M.

Fulcher, R.B.

Gable, C.E.

Ganecenac, Joe

Gaylor, E.R.

George, J.H.

Gerdes, Fritz

Gibson, J.L.

Gibson, O.B.

Goar, James

Goodwin, F.C.

Grace, sam

Grant, Robert

Gray W.W.

Green, Mack

Gressett, Timan

Grunt, W.M.

Guaduranus, John

Guerrant, Ralph

Hall, Charles

Hammond, P.T.

Hamrich, Arthur

Hancock, D.S.

Harris, Austin

Harris, Elmer P.

Hawley, John P.

Hayes, Andrew M.

Hays, John W.

Heaston, E.L.

Hefferman, William

Hemming, A.C.

Hight, Charles

Hildebrandt, Gust

Hoagland, Arden

Hodges, M.E.

Hogan, James

Holt Milton H.

Holt, W.E.

Horton, Thomas

Hudson, C.V.

Huffman, william

Hughes, W.C.

Hump, Paul

James, John M.

Jamison, A.D.

Jirasch, J.A.

Johnson Neal

Jones, Thomas

Jones, Walter E.

Jordan, Rich

Joyner, S.H.

Juresoi, Sam

Jurich, Tony

Kelly, Alfred

Kirkland, P.I.

Kissell, W.

Kite, David

Kittridge, Julian S.

Kivi, Nestor

Kline, William

Kovacevich, Miron

Lane, Charles

Lee, R.E.

Lemaster, W.W.

Lemen, Ed

Lewis, E. M.

Lockabay, William H.

Maben, George B.

Maffeo, John

Makovich, Sam

Malen, Tom

Malik, Kiao

Margolles, Sam

Mark, John

Markovich, Eli

Markovich, John

Mason, C.S.

McBride, J.H.

McCaun, John

McCoy, H.L.

McGough, Dan

McGougher, R.H.

McGowan, W.A.

McKenzie, N.J.

McLeod, Rod

McMillian, Louis

Melitich, John

Miller, Mike

Miller, Robert

Mills, J.P.

Mills, Quince

Mills, William F.

Miscovich, Chris

Mitchell, Jim C.

Miurray, Allan

Morris, Eli

Murdoch, J.J.

Murfich, John

Myers, Graham

Narce, C.W.

Nieblas, Manuel

Niemi, John

O'Brien J.T.

O'Callaghan, Robert

Ogulin, Matt

Onan, Fred

O'Niel, Pat

Osman, Fajer

Oswalt, L.F.

Pamuciano, John

Pamuciano, Mike

Paulson, William

Pemberion, Ben

Perez, Tony

Perkins, E.W.

Peterson, C.I.

Philbrooks, R.M.

Phillip, George

Phillips, Verdie

Pinjak, John

Pittman, G.D.

Pitz, Carl

Plenshak, Peter

Poe, Gus

Pool, Roger

Pope, E.L.

Purcell, B.S.

Qualls, Glover E.

Radja, John

Rajacich, Joe

Ramsower, N.R.

Rapier, J.T.

Rasich, Dusan

Ratterree, Hugh

Ratterree, Raymond

Regis, Joe

Ridgeway, Arnold

Rijohn, Andy

Riley, W.E.

Rimoch, Antone

Rivas, Jose

Roberts, D.B.

Roche, Denis

Rogers, Tom E.

Rollo, Austin

Rooney, W.A.

Rudow, Sam

Russell, Frank

Saari, Charles

Saika, Paul

Salholm, R.E.

Sammons, B.H.

Savage, P.L.

Schmidt, A.H.

Seffer, dan

Seigel, Fred

Sharpe, W.H.

Sheedy, Ed

Shelp, E.J.

Shelp, E.V.

Shumake, Phil R.

Silverthorn, Leo

Sivett, T.G.

Skelton, G.C.

Skinner, E.S.

Slavine, Dan

Smith, A.

Smith, Alden

Smith, Jos.

Smith, Martin

Snodgrass, H.

Snow, W.J.

Snowden, B.M.

Spear, Mark

Spirey, F.L.

Spraich, S.

St. John, Pat

Stagner, A.N.

Sterson, J.A.

Stetson, Arthur

Stone, E.H.

Stumbo, David H.

Sutphen, R.L.

Tally, J.J.

Tapp, W.W.

Thomas, Charles L.

Thompson, Frank

Thompson, Robert

Tiencuff, Frank

Tomanovich, Steve

Tonneson, Thomas A.

Torres, E.

Trafreh, Leo

Troger, Clifford

Turner, John

Tye, Charles, P.

Ugren, Pete

Ugrin, Frank

Uren, Victor

Uscoin, John

Vaidin, Jup

Veverly W.F.

Vickerson, H.

Viukovich, Mike

Voch, Mike

Vugovich, John

Wain, John

Walker, O.D.

Wall, R.F.

Warner, F.B.

Warnock, Roy B.

Weaver, H.J.

Webb, Louis

Weiner, Donald

Wel, Sidney

Welch, J.S.

Whitemere, N.B

Whitt, Frank

Wilburn, W.D.

Williams, M.W.

Williamson, N.A.

Willianson, Tone

Wohler, William

Wooten, Dewey

Wooten, William

Worthington, W.E.

Wren, Bryon

Wright, Oscar E.

Wright, Thomas


Surface Crew

Alcantar, Aniceto

Acosta, jacinto

Ballesteros, Jesus

Beebe, Reginald

Calderon, Jose

Chavey, Jose

Cruz, Rosario

Conales, Domingo

Cota, Camillo

Carjolal, Manuel

Costillio, Calletano

Crovencio, E.E.

De La Cruz, Manuel

De La Vega, Francisco

De La Vega, Francisco

Escalante, Francisco

Franquim, Vidal

Francisco, Caneto

Flores, Facunda

Flores, Refugio

Gonzales, Carlos

Garcia, Pedro

Gaitan, Manuel

Garcia, Juan

Gonzales, Thomas

Hazelrigg, R.M.

Hunt, Frank C.

Hurtado, Cruz

Hernandez, Refugio

Hernandez, Manuel

Lagos, Fortuna

Langley, George W.

Leybar, Romula

Lopez, Benj.

Lopez, Jose, M.

Marquez, Emilio

Martinez, Salvador

Morris, Hugh

Medina, Francisco

Miranda, Marcelina

Montano, Antonio

Nariego, Francisco

Ochoa, Jesus

Ontiveras, Francisco

Otero, Edwardo

Perez, Jesus M.

Pacheco, Alberto F.

Pinon, Bonifaco

??????, Emiliano

Ramirez, Arundio

Ramirez, Ysa

Royil, Jose

Reales, Tomas

Rugraff, Maurice

Recendez, Juan

Ramirez, Eberardo

Rojas, Pedro

Roberts, Henry

Sanchez, Antonio R.

Saycerres, Alejandro

Salcido, Aniceto jr.

Sanchez, Timatio

Segundo, Saviano

Shirley, Ed

Salazar, Emelio

Torres, Juan

Valencia, Cruz

Villa, Atilano

Varella, Qurina

Vasquez, Jacobo

Wareham, El.


Private Pay Roll

Amos, J.C.B.

Anderson, Aaron

Anderson, H.D.

Bahmfalk, A.J.

Barkell, Howard

Beyers, E.C.

Brostrom, W.W.

Brown, Harry

Burnett, Charles

Burroughs, E.B.

Chown, Anna E. Miss

Cosgrove, M.J.

Coughlin, John

Cowperthwaite, Thomas

Cristy, H.E.

Crowley, W.L.

Dalgliesh, Dave

Davies, J.B.

Duff, S.C.

Dunlap, G.C.

Dunlap, Ted

Eichren, Pete

Engelder, A.W.

Erickson, Jacob

Farrell, J.C.

Fisher, J.W.

Fuller, C.C.

Fulton, C.C.

Gage, W.H.

Gibson, C.M.

Gibson, W.R.

Gilman, Oscar

Graham, Tom

Granting, H.G.

Grigg, Matt

Harrington, W.D.

Harris, S.J.

Hawes, L.E.

Hearn, C.H.

Holcomb, W.H.

Hollis, H.S.

Hudson, Edith Miss


Irving, E. F.

Jay, George

Jeffrey, John

John, Dick

Johnston, O.R.

Jonson, Vic

Juliff, Fred

Kaun, M.E.

Knapp, C.T.

Lackner, John

Linden, R.G.

Mason, T.

Maston G. Mrs.

Mathews, C.O.

Matzel, George

McGeein, D.J.

McKenzie, N.

McNelly, R.A.

McRae, J.K.

Millett, F.

Mitchell, G.J.

Moon, R.M.

Moore, L.L.

Morgan, H.E.

Murphy, James

Murphy, Owen

Murphy, T.A.

Newman, Amos

Nitsch, R.

Norgard, William

Orr, D.H.

Powell, M. W.

Puryear, A.J.

Rait, D.M.

Ratterree, U.S.

Rawlings, J.B.

Redondo, R.G.

Rice, L.H.

Rocha, Jesus

Rogers,  R,H.

Sandtuer, Fred

Schmid, A

Schmid, K.

Schofield, George

Shaft, Alin J. Miss

Sharpe, William

Shilliam, M.S. Miss

Slaker, E.D.

Smith, C.A.

Snyder, Ben F.

St. John, George

Stevens, Paul

Sulger, E.

Swanson, J.A.

Taylor, Roy C.

Tripp, Hugh

Ward, Jack

Wertz, H.M.

Wester, J.R.

Wheeler, Frank

Wiley, D.B.

Williams, E.J.

Wilson, P.D.

Wolff, C.C.

Wright, Tom

Youngman, H.R.


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